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xAce a Jupiter Ace Emulator for Linux

xAce is a Jupiter ACE emulator for Linux systems Written by Edward Patel and based on a ZX81 emulator called xz81 written by Russell Marks, which was in turn based on Ian Collier's xz80, a ZX Spectrum emulator for X.

The current version is xace 0.5, download xace-0.5 source files here , also found on github here. You will need to compile to source files to create an executable binary file, if you do not know how to do this are are a few steps below which should help you to to get a Jupiter ACE emulator working on a Linux system.

Please accept my apologies if I have over simplified these steps below with images.

Install gcc and support files.

1. Download the xAce zip file from the links above and extract to a folder in your user area, I created a new folder and extracted to there.

2. From a terminal window check if you have a C compiler installed, gcc should be installed as part of your system.

Enter gcc --version to get the current version as you can see below I have version 9.3.0 installed.

If its not then installed you can install it with sudo apt-get install gcc

3. In the README file from the xace zip, some development c libraries will need to be installed, which are needed for gcc to compile the code correctly, libx11 (Often packaged as libx11-dev) and libxext (Often packaged as libxext-dev)

From the terminal to install libx11-dev Enter sudo apt-get install libx11-dev

Also the same to install libxext, Enter sudo apt-get install libxext-dev

I also installed the build-essential library with sudo apt-get install build-essential

4. The README file also notes that cmake might need to be installed, once again from the terminal Enter sudo apt-get install cmake

Now we have everything in place to compile xAce

Compilation and Installation.

From the directory of the where you extracted xAce files, open a terminal windows and enter cmake ., Note that there is a space and a period (.) after Cmake command. Your output to your terminal window should like the one below.

Next we run MAKE from the same directory Enter make.

The binary executable will now be in src/, to install it to a sensible location such as '/usr/local/bin' run the following as root: sudo make install

Thats it, your done!

For the moment xAce must be run from a terminal window and from the same directory in which the rom image is to be found. So from the current directory run:


Below TuT TuT running on xACE

Below xAce running on a Raspberry PI 400