SO Breakout board

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SO Breakout Board.

Many thanks to Spencer Owen [RC2014] the designer for this PCB. The SO breakout board has expansion ports for the Jupiter Ace, ZX81 and the ZX Spectrum. As each edge connector port is configured differently only the common signals are connected between each port. There is also a header block for each signal. The ZX Spectrum is a more advanced machine and has a number of signals not in common with the ZX81 and ACE but are available in a header block. A small 400 pin bread board for testing hardware designs also a reset button.

Power is provided from the ACE edge port but the is provision 5v regulated external supply port.

If there was going to be a version two maybe these could also be included?

Please note this pcb is very experimental and has not been tested 100% Contact Spencer Owen [RC2014] for the Gerber files. If you decide to update this PCB then drop us a message with some images we can use.