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Boldfield Sales Documents.

Boldfield Computing acquired the Jupiter ACE stock on 21st February 1984, and received its first trickle of Mail Orders by 24th February. Jupiter ACE's stock started selling on lst March 1984.

On the first day, 10 orders were processed, including one to The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Boldfield started a new "JA" invoice sequence numbering for the ACE sales, with the first order being known as "JA1201" rather than "JA0001" just in case early customers felt nervous about being the first to buy the machine after the collapse of Jupiter Cantab! [1]

We have a few in the archive, you can click on the links below.

  1. JA-1239
  2. JA-1562
  3. JA-1843
  4. JA-3202
  5. JA-3404
  1. JA-3688
  2. JA-4312
  3. JA-4855
  1. JA-4729
  2. JA-4880
  3. JA-5048

If you have a sales document you would like us to archive please contact the archive and we will do the rest!

[1] source