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Graphic exercises...

Simon Cross presents an animated graphics
program for the 3K Jupiter Ace

1 left top half
2 left bottom half
3 right top half
4 right bottom half
The squad of men is printed on the screen by the Do-loop before Begin in the word Drill. Their movements are produced by redefining the characters of which they are composed. This gives a smooth and simultaneous movement of all the men which could not be achieved by printing different characters "on top" of the original characters. The words a to j merely put the numbers necessary to redefine the character on to the stack and these numbers are then read into the character set memory by a Do-Loop.

This is a program for the 3K Jupiter Ace. It demonstrates how smooth animated graphics can be produced by redefining characters whilst the program is running. The program prints a squad of 112 men on the screen who then go through a series of arm exercises. Unfortunately, the limitations of the 3K memory do not permit leg movements or the use of sound. Type in the word definitions in the usual way and Save the program on tape.
The program is Run by typing Drill and then pressing Enter. You can put the men through your own routine by typing Invis drill and pressing Enter followed by Break. Letters a to j can then be entered to produce single movements of the men (unfortunately, Error 3 still remains printed at the bottom of the screen).

Program notes
Each man consists of four user-defined characters as follows:

: Z
  I C!

: A
 006 002 002 002
 002 003 011 011
 01l 015 001 001
 003 003 007 003
 11288 11272 Z

: B
 096 064 064 064
 064 192 208 208 
 208 240 128 128 
 192 192 224 192 
 11304 11288 Z
: C
 006 002 002 002 
 002 003 003 003 
 003 127 001 001 
 003 003 007 003 
 11288 11272 Z

: D
 096 064 064 064 
 064 192 192 192 
 192 234 128 128 
 192 192 224 192 
 11304 11288 Z
: E
 027 039 063 001 
 003 003 007 003 
 11280 11272 Z

: F
 216 228 130 128 
 192 192 224 192 
 11296 112288 Z

: G
 003 007 009 017 
 035 067 007 003 
 11280 11272 Z

: H
 192 224 144 136 
 196 194 224 192 
 11296 11289 Z

: I
 003 007 009 017 
 019 011 007 003 
 11280 11272 Z

: J 
 192 224 144 136 
 200 208 224 192 
 11296 11288 Z
: * 
 1500 0 

 CLS 7 0 
  16 0 
   ." (Graphic A,C)"
   16 0 
    ." (Graphics B,D)" 
  A B * C *
  D * E * F 
  * G * H * 
  I * J * H
  * G * F *
  E * D * C 
  * B * A * 