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Ten All-Time Greats For Your Jupiter Ace.

Full title Ten All-Time Greats For Your Jupiter Ace.
Year of release 1983
Publisher J Nicholson
Producer / Author(s) J Nicholson
Memory 1K
Type Game
Cost : £5.95
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Ten All-Time
Great For
Your Jupiter

Joseph Nicholson, 11 Latton Close, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX 11 OSU

There is a book about what you can do on the unexpanded ZX81 with only 1K of RAM, and really it isn't a lot.
There is also only about 1K of available RAM on the basic Ace, once the operating system has taken its share, but this program tape demonstrates better than any argument what you can do with a 1 K RAM when the language is Forth and not BASIC.
Ten programs, a 14-page
book for documentation and voice recording on the tape to help locate each program, all for the same price as many a single program has to be superb value, especially when each application is also an object lesson in economical programming.
Most of them are old favourites - Snakes, Gobble-man, Invade and the like - which I would hesitate to claim as timeless monuments to the human spirit.
But what really is great about them is the skill with which these particular examples are written: you'll have no problem using VLIST to study this.

value for money