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Full title Subs
Year of release 1983
Publisher JRS
Producer / Author(s) unknown
Memory 19k
Type Game
Cost : £6.50
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Jupiter Ace
Plus 16K
JRS, 15 Wayside Avenue. Worthing. Sussex BNI3 3JU
Full marks (well...almost!) for a really imaginative opening sequence of aquatic graphics, designed to establish the submarine location of the subsequent action, although perhaps it was not such a good idea to repeat it before every game.
There is nothing to tell you how to start the game (press any key, actually) and if you do nothing the super graphics just go on ... and on ... and on!
The game? "Destroy the enemy ships
with your torpedoes but beware of depth charge, " says the blurb and says it all.
There is only one playing speed - sub-aqua moderato - and the sound background just goes on regardless of the zap, which one should be signalled somehow audibly as well a, visually.
Still, its quite a pleasant game with some claims to originality which is certainly a plus. It's good for find an application which is not simply a straightforward translation into Forth of the old familiar mun-chipakvaders stuff.
instructions 75%
playability 70%
graphics 90%
value for money 69%

4 Star Rating