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Full title Superbat+
Year of release 1985
Publisher Waylandsoft
Producer / Author(s) Martyn Davies
Memory 19k
Type Game
Cost : £3.00
Download Superbat+ [CRC32 40A7933A]
Distribution Permission Allowed | Group 1



Waylandsoft ©1985.

Superbat+ Waylandsoft software flyer lists the game as having some extra routines in the code such as:-

ED. - A Version of edit which means you'l never have to type REDEFINE again!

Vli. - A version of VLIST that only lists the words you have defined.

Ss. - A word allowing single-stepping through Forth words.

W. - A word which lists all the words which contains a word.

Superbat+ is a small game, Squash with a difference for 1 or 2 players.

To load type:

load superbat


Player 1 - F for left, G - right.
Player 2 - J for left, K - right.

Screen shots


Tape Inlay

Tape inlay