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Full title 3D Maze
Tear of release 2007
Publisher R F Lopes
Producer / Author(s) R F Lopes
Memory 32k
Type Game
Cost : PD
Download 3D Maze [CRC32 A07F4077]
Distribution Permission Allowed | Group 1


To launch the game, use the word 3DMAZE

The first screen allows to set the maze size from 3x3 to 30x20 rooms using the I, J, K, L keys.
Pressing the P key starts the on screen maze generation. When it is done the player are placed at a random location at the maze South and an exit is set at North
. Pressing any key takes you to a 3D view of the maze.

The game shows only 5 rooms ahead. So if you are in a long corridor the far walls are not shown.
To move around use the I, J, K, L keys.

The steps taken are counted and you can look at the maze map using the H key (Help). This will show you the maze map but increases the Helps counting.

At the bottom of the maze map there is a line showing the player's orientation and the number of Steps (S:) and Helps (H:).

The Q key quits the game.

There was two challenges in 3D Maze development. One was the implementation of a maze algorithm in Forth and the other was the 3D drawing strategy.

For the maze algorithm I've followed the ideas in MazeWorks.com

This was the first time I used files generated with FontEd.


Screen Shots