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Full title Jumpman
Year of release 1984
Publisher Callisto Software
Producer / Author(s) Neil & John Talbot
Memory 19k
Type Game
Cost : £4.50
Download Jumpman [CRC32 4D394B05]
Distribution Permission Allowed | Group 1


Jumpman must collect the fruits and hit the bell whilst avoiding the pits and nasties!

At the bottom of the screen is indicated which fruits Jumpman must collect. Each level completed increases the number of fruits required by one and they must be collected in the order shown! Once the fruits are collected it's a race against time to hit the bell in the top left corner to stop the timer and collect bonus points. On the way Jumpman can collect additional fruits for extra points.

Avoid the pits, skull, alien and spring by jumping. Use the lift to travel between floors. Jumpman starts with three lives as indicated on the left.

Good luck!

To load type:

load jumpman start

Controls: N - move left
M - move right
Z - jump left
X - jump right

S - starts the game and skips the attract screens between games

Screen shots

1   2

3   4


Cassette Body


