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Ace Demonstration Tape - Music (Jupiter)

Full title Music (Jupiter)
Tear of release 1983
Publisher Jupiter Cantab
Producer / Author(s) Jupiter Cantab
Memory 3K
Type Demo
Cost Part of Jupiter ACE Retail Package
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2. Music

This uses a dictionary file 'Jupiter' and is loaded by
                 LOAD jupiter

The program contains a number of words that enable you to play and record tunes on the computer. There is also a sample tune, played by the FORTH word JUPITER. If you wish to record your own tunes, do
                 FORGET PT1
to make space.

ORGAN allows you to play tunes by pressing keys, as on a piano. This diagram shows which keys to press.

You can see from this that some notes can be obtained in two different ways. Also, the SHIFT key always takes a note up an octave. To get out of ORGAN, use BREAK.

In ORGAN, a note is not played continuously if you hold the key down continuously; it is broken up into notes of a certain length.

You can control this using the word SPEED, which is preceded by a number specifying this unit length in milliseconds. If this number is small, then the notes are repeated quickly, giving a. warbling effect (try 90 SPEED ORGAN), while if it is big the notes are repeated slowly.

To record a tune, you first need to reserve some space for it in the computer, by saying how many notes it contains. (allow at least one extra). You also say what the tune is called. e.g.


reserves enough space for 50 notes making a tune called 'MICE' (an abbreviation for Three Blind Mice). Once JUPITER has been forgotten, there is space for a tune of about 170 notes.

To record the tune itself, say


and play the tune in. If you fill up the 50 notes allowed, the. recording will stop automatically; otherwise, press ENTER when you have finished. To play the tune back, just type in.


Notice how single notes are played continuously on playback, unless you happened to lift your finger off the key while you were recording. Then the note is broken into two. Rests are not recorded.

If you make a mistake while recording, press the 0 key and the previous note will be deleted. You may well prefer to split the tune up into sections (like PART 1, PART 2 and PART 3 in chapter 1 1 of the manual) and record them separately, using NOTES and RECORD for each part. You can then define a FORTH word to play the parts in the correct order.

If you want to make the recording quite precisely, record it slowly (do 400 SPEED first) and play it back faster (e.g. 100 SPEED).

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