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Utilities Tape Bagpipes

Full title Bagpipes
Year of release 1985
Publisher Boldfield Computing
Producer / Author(s) Boldfield Computing
Memory 3K
Type Utility
Cost : £9.89
Download Bagpipes [CRC32 FAC416C1]
Distribution Permission Allowed | Group 1


The second new sound word on the utilities tape is BAGPIPES (load bagpipes), which as you might expect, produces simulated bagpipe music.


BLOW to start the drone, and then play music as follows:

A S D F G H J K represent a scale of notes, with sharps on W E and T Y U

Any other key stops the current note playing, but leaves the drone going.

To cease the drone, press the BREAK key and enter: STOP

Tape Inlay

Cassette Body