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Tape Name

Full title Dessin
Year of release 1983
Publisher ERE
Producer / Author(s) ERE
Memory 3K
Type Utility
Cost : unknown
Download Dessin [CRC32 AD7D3C0C]
Distribution Permission unknown | Group 2


As far as we know this tape was never released in the UK, ERE were a French software producer, its also unclear how many Jupiter Ace titles they did. We have translated the instruction to English to best of our abilities. There are two programs on the tape a screen designer (dessin) and a character designer (cargen).


Enter: load dessin "enter"

This program makes it possible to draw on the screen with a cursor, drawings which could be there after saved on cassette and be integrated into other programs.


- To run the program by:

dessin name "enter"

( "name" is the filename which the drawing will be saved to cassette with.)
keys 1 to 8 move the cursor in the desired direction.

key 9 makes it possible to take certain options:
a "?" appears on screen to show that the Dessin has toggled to "mode" and is waiting for a key to be pressed.

You now have the following possibilities:

Keys 0 to 3: change the mode of graphics are displayed ;
Set to Black (unplot) 0
set to white (plot) 1
(see manual, chap. 13);

Key 4: changes all the drawing to reversed video;

key 5: allows to choose a specified character which will be placed at the position present of the cursor, over writing the character currently there.

When the drawing is finished, you can save it to tape, press key 0: The drawing title you gave the screen when you started the program will be used as the filename.

to reload it in memory to enter: 0 0 bload name "enter"

Screen shots

Dessin and Cargen screen shots.

Tape Inlay

Cassette Body