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Toolkit / Screen kit

Full title Toolkit / Screen kit
Year of release 1983
Publisher Remsoft
Producer / Author(s) Gary Knight
Memory 3K
Type Utility
Cost : £7.50
Download Screen Took Kit [CRC32 55881FD1]
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Contains a short list of words designed to aid ROM disassembly and program development. Scan memory contents in decimal, hex, character and binary with decimal and hex address. Scroll forwards or backwards. Poke a new value into selected address. Spare memory bytes. Definer word for your machine code routine.

Scans memory address to screen as Hex, Dec, Char, Bin.


Space - stops and prompts for new address.
6, 7 - scroll up/down through address.
p - prompts for a value to pokes in RAM location listed at top of screen.

MC - Creates word to store bytes in CFA.

Called with a name, MC fillx, 'fillx' is created in the dictionary you are then prompted for the number of bytes to be stored into the word.
** Note the machine code is entered as hexadecimal values **

Example below ;

mc fillx
bytes: 21
F5 C5 E5 21 00 20 36 78 11 01 20 01 BF 02 ED B0 E1 C1 F1 FD E9

To call the example code you use the name fillx

      CODE          HEX            ; comment
      push af       F5             ; preserve registers
      push bc       C5
      push hl       E5
      ld hl,8192    21 00 20       ; load hl with start of screen display.
      lh (hl),'x'   36 78          ; load address hl points to with 'x'.
      ld de,8193    11 01 20       ; load de with next address of display screen.
      ld bc,703     01 BF 02       ; bc holds the number of times to repeat.
      ldir          ED B0          ; carries out loop, increase
      pop hl        E1             ; restore registers
      pop bc        C1
      pop af        F1
      jp (iy)       FD E9          ; return to FORTH system


Machine code screen handling routines. Scroll up or down. Scroll left or right with or without wrap. Invert fill. Change occurrence of character.

Demo - Shows the speed of machine code of these routines.

Screen shots

scan image   mem screenshot

invert screenshot  



Your Computer advert, March, 1983, page 158


Review from Home Computing Weekly 7 June 1983

Jupiter Ace

Remsoft, 18 George Street, Brighton. BN2 1RH

Two excellent utilities from Garry Knight and the Jupiter Ace Users' Club ( £1 off prices for members). No loading problems - spot on every time - and some really clever programming which you can use the Ace's LIST facility to study.
Tookit's Scan command displays any 16 bytes of memory, giving the addresses in both decimal and hex, the data in both and as an ASCII character followed by binary.
This display can be moved up with the 6 key, down with the 7 (but the

documentation has them reversed).

There are also facilities for poke, mem and base shift, plus a machine code definer.

Screenkit consists of a set of machine code routines for screen handling - left and right scrolls with and without wrap around, plus up and down. An impressive demo program can subsequently be deleted to save scarce bytes, and any individual facility can be selected out for inclusion in your own programs. You cannot have both programs simultaneously in 3K memory, as there arc only 226 bytes free when Toolkit is loaded originally.


value for money