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> Index of Ace FAQs.
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Index of Ace FAQs.
I have found a Jupiter ACE how much is it worth?
How I install ACE32 the MSDOS emulator and DOSBox?
How to add text editors AceFORTH syntax highlighting.
How do you use Z80 Machine code with the Ace?
Tear Down: How do you open the Jupiter Ace's Case?
How do I connect my Ace to a Monitor?
What version of the EightyOne emulator do you use and How can I get a copy?
What is the .TZX file format?
What is the .TAP file format?
What is the .ACE file format?
What is the TAPE file format?
What is the Ace's Memory Map?
How do I check how much RAM I have?
What is the Ace's Video screen layout like?
How can I scan for use multiple key presses?
In this part of the archive
is intended to help you programme the Ace. It could be in AceFORTH or Z80 machine code we hope to list techniques, tips and tools. We hope in time it might build into a useful tool kit.
J.A.D.E. (Jupiter Ace Development Environment).
Template to create TAP files with TASM assembler
Template to create AutoRUN programs with TASM assembler
Latest Include files for use Template files and TASM assembler OR J.A.D.E
How to add AceFORTH syntax highlighting to text editors.
Ace ROM listing link.
Read all about it! - using IN to read key presses.
Useful Tool links.
- will help you to edit UDGs & Characters.
- to view word structure as stored in the Ace dictionary.
- code examples from the manual.